Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bennett is Two Months!

Bennett Remington you are TWO MONTHS old today! How in the world did this happen? We don't have Bennett's two month visit until Monday (the 1st), so I don't know his exact weight and length but I will take a guess and then update Monday so I can keep a record of it!

2 Month Stats:
Weight-- my guess is right around 10 pounds
Length-- my guess is around 22 inches *maybe* 23
Diapers-- still wearing newborn size cloth diapers and slowly transitioning into his one size cloth diapers on the smallest setting.
Clothes-- still wearing 0-3 months and probably will be for awhile, he is not chunky at all, just getting long! He most likely will outgrow his clothes in length not 'width' haha
Shoes-- newborn size shoes, the little 'crib' shoes I have for him which are size 0-6 months are HUGE on him, so he wears NB most of the time (whenever we actually put shoes on him)

Bennett no longer wears hats or mittens...yay for that! I was getting so tired of having him always wearing those things and them not 'going' with his outfits! I wasn't sure how long they were suppose to wear them, but the nurses always said to keep them on him so we did for about the first month.

This last month has been an exciting one! Bennett is finally starting to really 'interact' with us, and smiles AT us, not just when he has gas! It is so FUN to have him smile when he sees us, or hears our voices! It's just incredible, and I love it! He also is becoming a PRO at holding his head up, but he doesn't like tummy time at all. Bennett no longer likes to be held 'like a baby' and much prefers to be held facing outward seeing everything there is to see! 

Bennett still sleeps swaddled and let me just say that he sleeps so awesome like that! He has been continuously sleeping through the night since he was 3 weeks old, and continues to sleep about 8ish hours a night! Wohoo that makes this Mama very happy!! 

As for food, Bennett takes about 5oz every 4ish hours. Sometimes he only last 3 hours but might not take the full 5oz. We are on full formula feeding now, we stopped breast milk at  7 weeks and he seems to have done quite well with the transition. 

In the last month Bennett has gone through 2 typhoons and we are 'working' on our third one as we speak! Typhoon Jelawat is making her presence on our island this weekend! 

Also BIG news for his 2nd month is he FINALLY is a US Citizen! The US accepted his paperwork and 'granted' Bennett citizenship (the joys of living overseas!). We are now in the process of getting his passport issued (let me just say taking a passport photo of a 7 week old is HARD, but it turned out so cute!).

And here are some of the pictures from his 2 month pictures!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Update Update Read All About It!

Well, figured it was time to update this little ole' blog here! A lot has been going on, but been way too busy to find time to sit down and actually write about it...BUT here we are having another typhoon so I got the time!

We are going through our 2nd typhoon in 3 weeks! Insane. This is Super Typhoon Sanba, and apparently it's a donut typhoon, interesting name just makes me hungry for donuts haha! Anyways, this one was suppose to be huge typhoon, but apparently it's getting weaker, so that only means we get stuck inside for 2 days, and Bryan gets no time off of work. Typhoons only come on the weekends, didn't you know?

This last week was sort of a whirlwind, it seems time just goes so fast anymore! I don't even know what to update on because it just kinda blurs together! But Bennett and I were able to head onto base and meet Bryan again this week for lunch, we also stayed busy with other errands and meeting friends for lunch as well. The week days are pretty much the same though week to week, Bryan working during the day, myself and Bennett just sticking around the house or heading to base. And the weekends are spent doing whatever needs to be done.

One major thing that is exciting, is that Bennett is officially a US Citizen!! His birth certificate was finally issued, and he now is no longer in limbo land of citizenship!! Now we just have to apply for his passport and then we will be super close to being able to head back to the States after the first of the year!

Also one night we were able to go and get some of our favorite icecream...well maybe it's just my favorite hehe! Blue Seal though does have some great flavors and it's one of the places we took my family to when they came and visited, where else can you get salt flavored icecream?!? We however tried the 'small mountain' this time and loved it! Although it did have corn flakes in the bottom, it was different, but good!

We also experienced Bennett's first 'sick day', on Wednesday. We have no idea what it was, but he was not having a good day, I think he ended up having really bad gas bubbles and not able to go to the bathroom (if you know what I mean). But after daddy got home, he was all better because he had daddy snuggles!!

Well, I guess I will leave you all with some pictures!

Lunch time with Daddy at the Club...our favorite lunch spot

Bennett just loves his swing!


Our 'small mountain' at Blue Seal...lots of yummy flavors!

Daddy snuggles makes mister Bennett feel all better!

Awww...I just love this face!!!

Strong neck muscles! 

Smiling...on command sorta

"why you keep takin my picture?"

"this is what I think of tummy time"

this could be my new favorite picture =)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Our week in review, typhoon, tornado, new hours Oh My!!

This past week has definitely been an interesting one. Last weekend we had our very first REAL typhoon experience here on island thanks to Typhoon Bolaven, then somehow we ended up in a Tornado Watch, yes you read that correctly a TORNADO watch. I seriously didn’t think islands could have tornados…but I guess they can?!?! Then to top all that off we were in a Tsunami warning because there was a 7.9 earthquake off the coast of the Philippines…however that brought just one meter waves to our island so seriously nothing major at all lol (oh by the way…the Tornado never happened obviously!) 

So for our first real typhoon it wasn’t that bad! Lots of wind and rain but that is what a typhoon is so nothing out of the ordinary I guess. With living off base we were lucky to not have lost power at all or internet! So that is definitely one very HUGE plus to living off base. I heard some houses on base lost power for more than a day, so glad that wasn’t us! But one good thing about having a typhoon that meant Bryan got a 4 day weekend! Wohoo for extra time off even if we were stuck inside the whole time! (sadly I have no pics of this typhoon!)

The rest of our week was pretty uneventful, however Bryan did get switched to a new department within in his shop so his hours also got switched which means now Bryan is on the dayshift! So instead of working 3pm-11pm he will be working 7am-4pm! So happy about this…well at least I am, Bryan is sort of unhappy about his new 10pm bedtime LOL

Since Bryan is now on days and actually gets a lunch hour (or rather 1.5 hour lunch time), Bennett and I were able to meet him one day for lunch on base. So that will be a new perk to his lunch hour, it makes for a great break during our days! Also a new plus to him working days, we have our nights together again which means dinners together and having Friday nights to go out as well! Living a ‘normal’ schedule is awesome!

Bennett and I have definitely had a new schedule as well this week! We have been getting out more during the day, which is great! It kind of gets boring just sitting at home every day…however trust me there is so much that I could be doing at home! I need to get better at making a routine I can get down and stick to it! Some days I can barely throw a load of laundry in and remember to switch it to the dryer before Bryan gets home…Bennett just likes to be held some days and I am taking advantage of this time now, because in about 3 years I am sure he won’t want to be held at all =(

One day this week Bennett and I met my friend Sara and her little boy for lunch, so that was great fun! Mommy talk and adult time is very much needed!! Bennett and I also braved the BX by ourselves, Commissary, post office and even the Airman’s Attic (thrift shop on base), we definitely kept busy! I do have high hopes for this next week!

And here are some pics from our week

Bennett at ONE month old!

Daddy and Bennett lounging around during our typhoon

family picture

Bennett has such 'cute' faces!

Bennett has mommy's chin!!!