Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bennett is 7 Months...a little late

**This is a little late, with traveling and not getting home til' the 1st of March and then 'misplacing' Bennett's monthly stickers, I am so far behind! But at least I got it up, before his 8th month post!**

OMG how is Bennett seven months? How is it that in 5 months he will be a ONE YEAR old? This year is just flying by! I can't believe that last year at this time Bryan and I were busy planning out the nursery and just one year ago on the 25th we found out that our little baby was a boy! How has it already been that long ago?

Seven Month Stats:
Weight: 20lbs 11oz
Length: 27 1/4 inches 
Diaper Size: Size 3 Pampers
Clothes: He is wearing mostly 9-12 months he can fit in some 6-9 months still but not alot
Shoes: 3 however 2's will fit but I think they are a little snug for comfort

This past month has once again been busy and fun filled! We have spent the last month in the States finishing up our visit with family! It was such an awesome visit, and Bennett met so many family and friends who love him so much! It was such a great time introducing him to all those people, and seeing him interact with his cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles he loved them all!

Also on the 18th Bennett's first tooth started popping through! It was his bottom right front tooth (not sure of the 'actual' name). So exciting! I was sure that we would be returning to Okinawa with at least one new tooth, and what do you know our 2nd night stuck in California and it starts to pop through!! So far he has been an awesome teether! No really whiny or anything, so nice I had heard horror stories about babies teething, and thankfully Bennett does not fall into that category! He is just as happy as ever! On the 19th, the very next day his second tooth pooped up right next to his first one!

Bennett's 7th month also included trying new foods! He is a fan of french fries, well sucking on them anyways! He also tried Baby Mum-Mums and loves them! I also love that I can put him in his high chair and give him one of those things and can make dinner or eat dinner and not have to be trying to feed him with one hand at the same time! They keep him busy for a good half hour. He also tried those Puff things...not a fan of those yet, but at least he understood what to do with them, his 'pincer' grasp is really good! He did somewhat like the Yogurt Melts, but I'm not so sure they melt too well so I'm going to wait another month or so before we do those again, but he loved the strawberry ones!

Bath time is a new adventure for us! Since Bennett is sitting up all by himself now without falling over we are able to give him toys and he loves to splash and play with his little squirty toys! It's so much fun to see him play in the bath and have such a good time! It also involves us getting more wet though and usually having to change our clothes afterwards!

Now on to the pictures! Which is getting much more difficult since Bennett is more and more interested in his stickers and the things around him! But I still think they are cute =)

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