This past week has definitely been an interesting one. Last
weekend we had our very first REAL typhoon experience here on island thanks to
Typhoon Bolaven, then somehow we ended up in a Tornado Watch, yes you read that
correctly a TORNADO watch. I seriously didn’t think islands could have
tornados…but I guess they can?!?! Then to top all that off we were in a Tsunami
warning because there was a 7.9 earthquake off the coast of the
Philippines…however that brought just one meter waves to our island so seriously
nothing major at all lol (oh by the way…the Tornado never happened obviously!)
So for our first real typhoon it wasn’t that bad! Lots of
wind and rain but that is what a typhoon is so nothing out of the ordinary I
guess. With living off base we were lucky to not have lost power at all or
internet! So that is definitely one very HUGE plus to living off base. I heard
some houses on base lost power for more than a day, so glad that wasn’t us! But
one good thing about having a typhoon that meant Bryan got a 4 day weekend!
Wohoo for extra time off even if we were stuck inside the whole time! (sadly I have no pics of this typhoon!)
The rest of our week was pretty uneventful, however Bryan
did get switched to a new department within in his shop so his hours also got
switched which means now Bryan is on the dayshift! So instead of working
3pm-11pm he will be working 7am-4pm! So happy about this…well at least I am,
Bryan is sort of unhappy about his new 10pm bedtime LOL
Since Bryan is now on days and actually gets a lunch hour
(or rather 1.5 hour lunch time), Bennett and I were able to meet him one day
for lunch on base. So that will be a new perk to his lunch hour, it makes for a
great break during our days! Also a new plus to him working days, we have our
nights together again which means dinners together and having Friday nights to
go out as well! Living a ‘normal’ schedule is awesome!
Bennett and I have definitely had a new schedule as well
this week! We have been getting out more during the day, which is great! It
kind of gets boring just sitting at home every day…however trust me there is so
much that I could be doing at home! I need to get better at making a routine I
can get down and stick to it! Some days I can barely throw a load of laundry in
and remember to switch it to the dryer before Bryan gets home…Bennett just
likes to be held some days and I am taking advantage of this time now, because
in about 3 years I am sure he won’t want to be held at all =(
One day this week Bennett and I met my friend Sara and her little boy for lunch, so that was great fun! Mommy talk and adult time is very much needed!! Bennett and I also braved the BX by ourselves, Commissary, post office and even the Airman’s Attic (thrift shop on base), we definitely kept busy! I do have high hopes for this next week!
And here are some pics from our week
Bennett at ONE month old! |
Daddy and Bennett lounging around during our typhoon |
family picture |
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Bennett has such 'cute' faces! |
Bennett has mommy's chin!!! |
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