Anyways, so here we are at 15 weeks. Our baby is the size of a naval orange, that seems really big to me especially since when we found out that we were pregnant our baby was only the size of an apple seed (or was it a poppy seed?) anyways it's grown a lot! I myself am starting to grow as well. We have been taking weekly pictures since we found out and it's crazy to look at them and actually tell a difference! However, if you didn't know me, you would just think I ate one too many doughnuts or something haha
I really can't believe how easy this pregnancy is going for me! (knock on wood) I hear horror stories of women who are sick 24/7 or have crazy mood swings or swelling feet and the list could go on! I seriously don't seem to have any of those! You can ask Bryan about the mood swings he will even tell you that he is pleasantly surprised how easy it's been =)
I however have been having pregnancy cravings! One night all I wanted was a rootbeer float and another night all I could think about was a Caesar salad with diced tomatoes and grilled chicken! Some nights for dinner all I want is ramen noodle soup, where other nights all I want to eat is bean dip with chips! So far I haven't had any too crazy of cravings, no pickles and icecream for me! I must admit that I have succumb to all my cravings and enjoyed every one! I haven't gained any weight yet (I am still down about 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight), so I figure eating all my cravings are not doing any harm!
Even though I haven't gained any weight, my clothes are getting tighter! I haven't given into maternity clothes just yet, I do have 2 pairs of maternity jeans but they are still a little big yet. My jeans are getting to the point if I wear them long enough the button just seems to really dig in to my tummy. So I am sure the maternity jeans are very near in my future. As for shirts still wearing normal shirts as well, luckily I always bought shirts bigger than I needed so now they fit just fine!
I have my next doctor's appointment on Tuesday and I will be just shy of 16 weeks, but I am excited because I will get to schedule our ultrasound at that appointment! I think our anatomy scan should mid-March or so. Bryan and I are both super excited to find out if we will be having a boy or girl, and I can't wait to start really shopping for clothes!!
I will leave you all with my 15 week belly picture and a comparison from shortly after we found out (5 weeks, Dec. 10th) to show you that I really do have a baby bump!

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