Thursday, February 23, 2012

Our Valentine's Dinner

So what did we do for Valentine's Day? Well, I had my glucose test in the morning, then we did an early lunch at the Club then Bryan went to work and I came home and spent the night with my Little Bella. Pretty exciting right lol Thankfully Bryan did have that Thursday off, so we did go to dinner. We don't usually do anything big for Valentine's Day but we do always go dinner and just spend time with each other...even if it's not on the actual Valentine's Day, and wouldn't you know it restaurants are LESS busy then!

So with dinner on the horizon we knew we wanted to try out a new restaurant off base, so I scoured the Okihai website (awesome website for places in Okinawa that gives great reviews and a 'story' about each place, whether it's a restaurant, place to shop, tourist attraction you name it, it's on the website!). I eventually found a great place called Crocodile, sounded adventurous to me. So we set off to find it...easier said then done. Whenever we want to go to a new place we usually get lost and that night was no different! We walked around the area where it was 'suppose' to be for a good hour then decided to drive around looking, eventually we found it!

This place was NO disappointment! Just to get inside the place you had to walk through a tunnel, it was pretty crazy! Once inside it was a very cool atmosphere, and with hardly anybody there we pretty much had the place to ourselves!! The name crocodile should pretty much tell you what was on the menu...yup crocodile. We ordered fried crocodile as an appetizer I must say it wasn't anything like I thought it was going to be, it was actually good, however the after taste was weird! The restaurant itself is a Surf and Turf type place so lots of seafood and steak and chicken dishes, it was the most amazing food! I got the chicken cordon-bleu and loved every single bite of it! Bryan got the salmon crepes and said they were good too (I am NOT a salmon fan). For dessert we got some sort of parfait type thing, I wasn't sure what it was called but I just pointed to something on the dessert menu and said sure why not lol

All in all, it was a pretty great Valentine's Day dinner and another great opportunity to get off base and try something new! Now I will leave you with pictures of our food, because that's what we do take pictures of everything we eat lol

The entrance to the restaurant!

Fried crocodile served with salsa

Me trying crocodile!

The seating area, those windows on the right side was actually a Water Window, water runs down those windows into a little tube. It was really cool!

Every meal comes with Soup and Salad, not the traditional Okinawa Salad, but still good.

Bryan's Salmon Crepes and Indian Rice

My Chicken Cordon-Bleu, shaped into balls!

Our yummy dessert!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

15 Weeks!

I figured to keep family and friends up to date with our pregnancy I would do a pregnancy update every 2 weeks or so, at least until things get interesting than maybe once a week from then out.

Anyways, so here we are at 15 weeks. Our baby is the size of a naval orange, that seems really big to me especially since when we found out that we were pregnant our baby was only the size of an apple seed (or was it a poppy seed?) anyways it's grown a lot! I myself am starting to grow as well. We have been taking weekly pictures since we found out and it's crazy to look at them and actually tell a difference! However, if you didn't know me, you would just think I ate one too many doughnuts or something haha

I really can't believe how easy this pregnancy is going for me! (knock on wood) I hear horror stories of women who are sick 24/7 or have crazy mood swings or swelling feet and the list could go on! I seriously don't seem to have any of those! You can ask Bryan about the mood swings he will even tell you that he is pleasantly surprised how easy it's been =)

I however have been having pregnancy cravings! One night all I wanted was a rootbeer float and another night all I could think about was a Caesar salad with diced tomatoes and grilled chicken! Some nights for dinner all I want is ramen noodle soup, where other nights all I want to eat is bean dip with chips! So far I haven't had any too crazy of cravings, no pickles and icecream for me! I must admit that I have succumb to all my cravings and enjoyed every one! I haven't gained any weight yet (I am still down about 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight), so I figure eating all my cravings are not doing any harm!

Even though I haven't gained any weight, my clothes are getting tighter! I haven't given into maternity clothes just yet, I do have 2 pairs of maternity jeans but they are still a little big yet. My jeans are getting to the point if I wear them long enough the button just seems to really dig in to my tummy. So I am sure the maternity jeans are very near in my future. As for shirts still wearing normal shirts as well, luckily I always bought shirts bigger than I needed so now they fit just fine!

I have my next doctor's appointment on Tuesday and I will be just shy of 16 weeks, but I am excited because I will get to schedule our ultrasound at that appointment! I think our anatomy scan should mid-March or so. Bryan and I are both super excited to find out if we will be having a boy or girl, and I can't wait to start really shopping for clothes!!

I will leave you all with my 15 week belly picture and a comparison from shortly after we found out (5 weeks, Dec. 10th) to show you that I really do have a baby bump!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby Thompson!!

Well, here we are 13 weeks pregnant and I haven't really wrote about it. Actually I haven't wrote about it at all. So I thought it was time to share on the blog! I really hope to be able to keep updating this as our pregnancy progresses so family and friends back in the States can keep up with us!

So far my pregnancy has been going quite well, I have only been real sick a for a grand total of maybe one week, and wouldn't you know 4 of those days were when I was back in Nebraska seeing family! Other than that I have had a pretty easy pregnancy *knock on wood*! And just today we entered our 2nd trimester, such an exciting day!

On Feb. 1st I had my first appointment with my nurse practitioner and everything seems to be going great! I got to hear the heartbeat and that was steady at 165bmp and sounded just like horses hooves galloping around in there! Really it was the best sound I have ever heard =) My next appointment is on the 21st, so just in about 2 weeks, can't wait to go back and see what else is going on! We should be having our BIG ultrasound about midway through March, both Bryan and I can't wait to find out whether we are having a little girl or boy! Either way we just pray for a healthy baby come August!

I will leave you with a couple pictures!

This is our little baby! This was taken at 9 weeks and 4 days on Jan. 9th

And here I am yesterday. You can kinda see a little Baby Bump is starting!!  The bloat is gone, so bring on the bump lol