I seriously can NOT believe that today is the last day of 2012. I have no idea where this year went, it has gone entirely way too fast, but since I am counting down until we leave this rock of an island, I guess it's a good thing it went fast. So what did our year consist of? I thought I would do some highlights from the last 12 months!
We told the 'world' that we were pregnant!!! |
I flew back to the States and visited family...and brought Bella back to Okinawa with me!!! I was 9-11 week pregnant on my trip back. |
I got my first Japanese pedicure...so much better than the ones in the States! |
We set up the nursery because we couldn't wait any longer , we were so excited! |
Most exciting thought, was finding out our wee babe was a BOY!!! |
Bryan celebrated his 28th birthday...with pumpkin cake =) |
We did quite a bit of sightseeing this month it was awesome weather! |
My baby bump finally started rounding out!
I also boarded this C-17 and flew home on SpaceA!
I did a lot of this back home...yummy Sonic Happy Hour |
I also got to meet up with a friend who was just about 3 weeks behind me in our pregnancies! |
My mom, sister, MIL and SIL threw Bennett a babyshower! |
I flew back to Okinawa Mother's Day weekend and this was waiting for me from Bryan! My first Mother's Day gift =) |
I spent the rest of my summer pretty much like this lol |
And did a lot of this on the weekends! |
Bryan and I enjoyed beach weekends pretty much every weekend!
 We also had our Maternity Photo Session, which was so much fun!!

I spent my 25th Birthday like this! |
and just 20 days later...Bennett came into this world!!!!! |
We are a family of FOUR! |
My parents and sister came to visit for 2 weeks! |
We did a lot of eating out and snuggling this little guy! |
Bryan and I celebrated 4 years of marriage on 4 OCT.
Bennett had his first Halloween and he was Batman!
We had our Christmas photos taken, I LOVE them all! |
Bennett celebrated his first Thanksgiving...and BLACK FRIDAY!!!
Bennett had his First Christmas EVE! |
We woke up Christmas morning as a family of FOUR it was an awesome Christmas |
There ya have it, our year in review! We had such an amazing year, and Bennett being born was one of the most amazing gifts we have ever received, he completely made this year the best one yet (well besides my wedding year!) I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for our little family!!!