Has it already been over 2 weeks since we last updated?? Wow, time is really going fast here, well actually the days don't go fast, but when I sit back and actually realize that we have been here over a month already that just seems insane!!! Since I am a countdowner (is that even a word?) we have 35 months left here in Okinawa! Sounds extremely long, but if it goes like this past month it will be over in a *few* blinks of an eye!
Depending on the day and which one of us you talk to you will hear that either we like it here, we love it here or we *wish* we were somewhere else...can anyone say Europe? But, that isn't the case, the Air Force sees it best if we stay in Okinawa for the next three years, trust me I have asked if we can move sooner apparently they don't go for early releases lol So I am bound and determined to make the next 35 months a fun adventure, because after all our blog is titled Adventures in Japan!
One of the first adventures we have had is eating at a little Japanese restaurant called Arin Krin or as others refer to it the Garlic House. I found this restaurant while searching the OkinawaHai website (which is a website written by military spouses (mostly wives) about different places here in Okinawa and the best part is they give awesome reviews, so just by reading some of the reviews I can determine if it would worth our interest to actually go to them! We have already been to two different restaurants that were featured on the OkiHai! And they both got a thumbs up from Bryan and I!
Back to the Garlic House. After reading about this restaurant I knew we HAD to go to it. I mean Bryan LOVES garlic so I figured this restaurant was made for him! After driving around the restaurant in circles literally, about 6 times (there were only 4 parking spots for that place, and so we kept circling the block looking for another spot to park) we finally found a parking spot! The restaurant was a very cute little place with lots of tables and we were shown to a seat fairly quickly, after reading that you should have a reservation I was a little worried that we would be waiting a long time, but we didn't have to!
We ordered 4 different items off the menu which thankfully we did, because the portions are soooo tiny here. Seriously now I know why Japanese people are so skinny, they hardly eat anything! Maybe I can learn from them! We ended up ordering the shrimp, chicken, fish and fried mashed potatoes! They were sooo yummy!! However...because of the small portions we were still hungry when we were done there so went down the street to the Big Dip icecream parlor and had some *expensive* icecream =) It was a great date night out for us, even if we did spend most of the day/night lost!
The restaurant! It even had little 'garlic people' painted on the side! |
Yummy garlic chicken dish! |
The garlic shrimp, was my favorite!!! |
The deep fried Mashed Potatoes with cheese, these were awesome! |
The garlic fish!
yummy icecream place! |
Our icecream! Mine was a coffee flavored, and Bryan's was Blue Wave, it was like bubblegum with pineapple chunks! |
And here is just a recent picture we took Sunday morning on our way to Church, we found a cute little park that had an awesome view! We can't wait take our Little Bella there!! |
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