Well, we are here in Okinawa!
Bryan has been here almost 2 weeks now and I have been here about a week as of tomorrow. Time here sure does fly! We have been super busy since we got here. Bryan has been learning the ropes at the shop he will be working at, and when he gets home (or during the day) we have briefings for housing and such.
Speaking of housing, we finally found an apartment after looking at 4 different properties we found one that fit our criteria! Here in Japan normal bedroom sizes are super small along with their houses! So when we walked into this 3 bedroom 2 (full) bath house we knew this would probably be our home!
Of course I forgot to take my camera with me when we went to look at properties so I can't show you pictures, but I will shortly because...we signed papers last night! So we should be picking keys up at the end of this week.
Another major thing crossed off our to do list, was buying a car! We are going to be eventually buying another car for Bryan to drive since we are living off base we kind of need 2 cars so we both can get around. I love the car that I picked out, it's called a Will VI (made by Toyota) and is baby blue and a just a little funky looking car! We pick the car up on Friday so we can't wait to be mobile! We have been relying on walking, bumming rides off people Bryan works with and taxis, so it will be nice to have our own transportation!
This next weekend we will hopefully be able to start moving things into our new place, however our household shipment (all our stuff from the States) has not yet arrived =( so we will be getting loaner furniture from the base. But at least we will be out of the hotel we have been living in!
Stay tuned for more updates!
Here are some pics of the new car, because I know everyone is probably dying to see what Japanese cars look like!
My new car! |